Thursday, April 05, 2007

Smithfield Extends Moratorium 120 Days On Billboards

The Smithfield Town Council has extended a moratorium on new billboards for 120 days. The council is looking to update their billboard ordinances. Pictured is a billboard on US70 West at Wilson's Mills Road. Existing billboards are expected to be "grand fathered" if they meet current guidelines.

The Smithfield Town Council has extended a moratorium on off-site advertising signs and billboards for an additional 120 days. The purpose of the moratorium is to give the town council additional time to look at amending the existing billboard ordinance, which hasn’t been updated in years. Currently, special use permits can be obtained for billboards, but the proposed ordinance could do away with permits, thus no longer permitting billboards in some areas of town. Officials are looking to control billboards on US301 and US70, the two main entrances to Smithfield , along with signs along I-95. Councilman Vic Ogburn has recommended existing billboards be grand fathered if they are not currently in violation of any codes.


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